Fred Ulrich, Photographer

Brooke Wright
Image Created: 2024

Medium: Digital
Edition: Open

Memento Mori, Memento Vivere; Remember you must die, Remember you must live.This piece commemorates the conclusion of the first 25 years of my life and welcomes the life ahead in my 26th year. It was created as asymbolic self-portrait, representing this current time in my life. It serves as a reminder to myself of the amount of time that has passed and to make use of the time I have left, however long that may be. Of all the genres I studied within two art history classes, memento mori has stuck with me the most. They are often in the form of cluttered still life paintings with dramatic light, draped fabric, and items that represent death and the joys of life. It is the first style that comes to my mind regarding still life imagery. “Remember you must live.”

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