Fred Ulrich, Photographer

Bill Keffeler
Skeletons of the Desert
Image Created: 2024

Medium: Enhanced Matt Archival Inkjet Print
Edition: Open
$240 Framed | $20 Unframed
Framed: 18″ x 14″
Unframed: 18″ x 12″

On a recent trip to Tucson, my partner and I visited the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona. During our wanderings, I noticed some students arranging the skeletons of desert plants. What initially caught my attention was the mesmerizing skeletal latticework, showcasing the buttressing strength needed to endure desert life. It reminded me of the human condition—nature is truly amazing! Just like humans, when the life-sustaining moisture leaves our bodies, we become, for a time, simply a representation of a living past moving toward a nourishing future.

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