Fred Ulrich, Photographer

Linda Enger
Decisions Made on Fact or Fiction
Series: Cross-Pollination
Image Created: 2024

Medium: Chromaluxe Dye Sublimation Metal Print
Edition: 1/25 for this size and presentation
Size: 30″ x 20″ 
Unframed: $1,350.00

With all of my Cross-Pollination series, I bring in something that has grown in my garden or appeared on our property and juxtapose it with one of my paintings to express something I am pondering. I tend to play with varied approaches to the same subject. I explore different lighting,  backgrounds, and compositions. I find one that resonates with a thought that is on my mind. I am a big fan of playing with light and shadow in the studio and often use shadows to magnify the emotion I want to elicit. I elaborate on those feelings further with my work on the digital file in post-production. I have a huge concern with how much misinformation is bombarding us in the digital age. Unfortunately, this is affecting all aspects of our lives. This image may seem cryptic. I was outside in the garden and mulling over world news while harvesting little tomatoes. I was thinking about the skill set of some people/media organizations/government officials to be able to direct the thoughts and actions of others towards the direction of their choice, and what to do about this “group think.”

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