Arizona Photography Alliance Members’ Exhibition 2020


This is a call to all Arizona Photography Alliance member photographers to participate in our second annual 2020 Members’ Exhibition which will be presented as an online gallery in this unique year. While we won’t be able to have a physical exhibition this time around, the good news for participating members is that this annual exhibition will be viewable in perpetuity on our website. Not to mention, there’s no need to get your prints made or framed!

The official “opening” of the exhibition will be held in conjunction with our virtual Arizona Photography Alliance Annual Meeting on May 21, 2020 at 6:30PM. The meeting will be conducted as a Zoom video call and all members and friends are welcome. Save the date and watch for registration info on how to tune in!

As part of the exhibition, we’ll also be conducting the popular Viewers’ Choice vote with online tools. The photographer that receives the most votes will have the opportunity to speak about their work at another AZPA event later in the year.


Each photographer may provide up to two photographs. All photographs submitted for the exhibition must represent your current best quality work. IMPORTANT: Please label your image files with this naming structure: LastName.FirstName-ImageTitle.jpg. Save them in JPG, at least 150dpi, dimensions no larger than 1500px on the long side. Then upload your image(s) where requested in the entry form,

This year, we are also giving you an opportunity to submit an optional brief audio narration so that website visitors can hear you speak about your work in your own words. There are many options to record and save your voice on your computer or cell phone. We suggest you rehearse what you want to say a couple of times, and keep it simple. For a great example, listen to AZPA Programming Director Richard Laugharn speaking about The La Cueva Ocotillo shown on this page. Check out the articles here and here for some helpful recording tips.

If you would like to offer your image(s) for sale, please enter your desired price (framed/unframed) or Not for Sale (NFS), and the size and media that your image will be provided in. Inquiries will be directed to your email address.

To participate in this exhibition, you must be a member of Arizona Photography Alliance at any level. If you are not yet a member and would like to participate, please become a member by the submission deadline. For membership information, visit the Membership page.

For questions, please email Fred Ullrich.

To reserve your place in the Arizona Photography Alliance 2020 Members’ Exhibition, you must fill out and submit this form below by May 8, 2020. IMPORTANT: you will not be able to save your entry and return to it later. Please review the information requested below first, then gather all of your information, images, and audio files (if desired) and have them ready when you fill out the form. You will receive a confirmation email of your submission.

Richard Laugharn
The La Cueva Ocotillo (FS04 191003)
Archival Inkjet Print, 24 x 32 inches, 3/15
$1,200 unframed
© 2019

Fill out my online form.