Call for Submissions
AZPA Portfolio Exchange 2022


    Monday, February 7, 2022
    February 14, 2022
    April 1, 2022
    May 1, 2022

This is a call to all Arizona Photography Alliance members to participate in our first-ever Arizona Photography Alliance Portfolio Exchange. The goal of this project is to provide new way for our photographer members to share work with each other, and create a valuable collection of prints for each participant. Any AZPA member may participate, no matter whether you officially consider yourself a photographer or not. The only requirement is that the print you contribute MUST BE a professionally printed, portfolio-quality fine art photograph that you have taken yourself.

Each participant will be responsible for contributing one unmounted 11×14″ print per portfolio produced, which will be determined by the number of members who participate. For example: If 10 members participate, then 10 portfolios will be produced and distributed, one portfolio case to each participant. Each compiled portfolio will hold a collection of 10 original prints “exchanged” from every other participant. The portfolio will also include a printed colophon, unifying the portfolio and listing participating artists.

In addition, Arizona Photography Alliance will also produce two more portfolio cases; one will be donated to ASU School of Art’s Northlight Gallery for their collection, and the second will be available for auction to benefit AZPA. Still to be determined, we may also make available an advance purchase option on additional portfolios.

There is no entry cost to participate, however each member will be responsible for providing the required quantity of prints, and for the cost of the one portfolio case they receive (approximately $100-150) in the exchange.


  • Submit the form below no later than February 7, 2022 to indicate your participation. You must include an image of the print you propose to include.
  • Each AZPA member may submit one photograph of their own creation. We will not accept photographs made by someone else that you have collected.
  • Once all the submissions have been received, the AZPA Portfolio Exchange Committee and/or Board of Directors will review the collection and provide final approval of the images for the collection no later than February 4, 2022. We reserve the right to request an alternate image from any participating artist in order to provide interest and variety.
  • At that time, we will inform each participant of the quantity of their 11″ x 14″ prints required for the project, and their share of the cost of the cases and supplies for their individual portfolio.
  • The quantity of prints required from each member will include (a) the quantity for the exchanged portfolios, plus (b) the two additional portfolios for Northlight Gallery and benefit auction. If we decide to make an advance purchase option available, additional prints may be required.
  • Prints may be in any medium, as long as they are two-dimensional (flat, unmounted, unmatted), in order to maintain the integrity of all the prints that will be stacked together in the case. Highly textured or 3-dimensional artwork will not be accepted.
  • The question of print value can come up for a project like this. We need to think of this as a group project. To participate, even if you feel your work has a high market value, it will be necessary to make a print selection that would be acceptable to you on this level. Prints that are one-of-a-kind could be included by making a digital copy.
  • AZPA committee members will be available to consult on print selection and production resources.
  • Final prints are due by April 1, 2022. Time and place for drop-off will be announced.
  • Portfolios will be ready for distribution approximately May 1, 2022.

While this kind of project is admittedly a lot of work on the front end, it is actually one of the easiest ways to assemble a quality collection of photography. It is also true that these kinds of portfolio exchanges have an uncanny ability to capture and celebrate a particular time and place. Please consider participating! Keep in mind that the success of the project depends everyone involved to adhere to the timeline and plan accordingly.

To participate in this exhibition, you must be a member of Arizona Photography Alliance at any level. If you are not yet a member and would like to participate, please become a member no later than the submission deadline. For membership information, visit the Membership page.

We look forward to seeing and sharing your work! For questions, please email Neil Miller.

To reserve your place in the Arizona Photography Alliance 2022 Portfolio Exchange, you must fill out and SUBMIT this form below no later than midnight on Friday, January 28, 2022. IMPORTANT: you will not be able to save your entry and return to it later. Please review the information requested below first, then gather all of your information and image(s) and have them ready when you fill out the form. You will receive a confirmation email of your submission.