Fred Ulrich, Photographer

KJ Herb
Me and My Inheritance
Series: To Die a Thousand Small Deaths on a Wednesday Morning
Image Created: 2023

Medium: Archival Inkjet Print
Edition: Open

I’ve begun working on my newest body of work, To Die a Thousand Small Deaths on a Wednesday Morning, to explore my OCD diagnosis through looking at themes of mortality, legacy, and ritual. My paternal grandparents died when I was about 12 years old. One of my more formative memories was cleaning out their house and sifting through their belongings: 80-something years of material goods. I grabbed vinyl records, photographs, and a small toy car that I used to get in trouble for playing with as a child. Sometimes I look around my parents’ house and see the things I’ll be taking with me one day far away in the future. My parents are healthy; there is no reason to think about this right now. But yet, it’s consuming me.

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