Arizona Photography Alliance’s juried online exhibitions are a huge success. Part of the prizes is an opportunity for the winning photographers to share their thoughts about the work they submitted in relation to the theme. Here is Honorable Mention winner Eugene Strickland from the “Shadow and Light” Gallery.
AZPA: How did you get started in photography?
ES: My father had a darkroom in our house when I was growing up. It is there that I learned that managing the printing process was as important as the original image. With the introduction of digital tools, I find that I can enhance the original image in very subtle ways in order to reveal the mystery of the original scene.

Image Credit: Union Square © Eugene Strickland
AZPA: What are your thoughts on the Theme Gallery for AZPA?
ES: Themed exhibits gives us a chance to see how others respond to the same idea. When multiple artists, each with his/her own unique perspective and values, offers their interpretation of the same theme, the results are always very diverse. It is inspiring to see so much variety in the description of the same idea.
AZPA: What was your process in selecting your image(s) for “Shadow and Light”?
ES: I was fascinated by the subtle shapes formed by distorted light from street lamps on an empty wall. I took a number of different pictures, intending to create a series in order to explore the reality that I was seeing. Later, when I went through the camera images, most seemed to be missing that magic that I felt when I had looked at the walls. In the end, I only selected this one picture that seemed to capture the tension between the stark window and the mysterious wall patterns.
AZPA: What are your thoughts on being selected for an Honorable Mention?
ES: For all of us, our work is very subjective. We are always uncertain how our efforts will be received. I was pleased to be recognized with an award in this exhibit. It is gratifying when someone else validates the choices I made.