Image Credit: Coyote Skull in Jar  © John Wagner

Arizona Photography Alliance’s 2nd Juried Theme Gallery online exhibition is a huge success. Part of the prize was the opportunity for the winning photographers to share their thoughts about the work they submitted in relation to the theme “Still Life.” Here is Honorable Mention 1 winner, John Wagner.

AZPA:  How did you get started in photography?

JW: I first became interested in photography as a high school student, when a cousin visiting from California shared his snapshots documenting himself and friends surfing at the beaches in Los Angeles. I was instantly drawn to the images, but even more interested in the camera as a tool. The mechanics of the camera fascinated me, and I had to get my hands on one of my own. I found a Nikon EM at a local drugstore in my home town and shot with that for a couple years familiarizing myself with its controls etc., but it wasn’t until I was at college that I started to take photography seriously.

AZPA:  What are your thoughts on the theme gallery for AZPA?

JW: I enjoy being involved in themed exhibitions. Photography means different things from one photographer to another, and their approaches can greatly differ from one to the next, so I’ve always liked seeing how people from various backgrounds interpret a theme.

AZPA:  What was your process in selecting your image (s) for “Still Life” theme?

JW: I was preparing a print to ship off to a friend in New York, and it happened to be the greenhouse photograph. I remembered being excited about it when I first made the print but just put it into a storage box. While I was framing it to get it sent out, I just sort of reconnected with it and thought it would be a nice print to share. The second print was selected as a contrast to the first.

AZPA:  What are your thoughts on being selected for the First Prize?

JW: It’s always nice to get a positive response to your work especially coming from your peers, so for that I am happy to have my entry chosen. I don’t find myself shooting “Still Life” photographs often, so winning was a pleasant surprise. The photograph was created during the pandemic shutdown, which allowed me to spend time experimenting with some new ideas in an attempt to get out of my comfort zone. The coyote skull image was one that came to mind instantly upon seeing the theme so I’m happy that it was well received.