In this “interesting” time of Pause and Pandemic, the rhythm of our daily lives has been altered. For some, this is annoying and frustrating, but for others, it presents an opportunity . . . to take a deep breath and pursue what you never had time to do before. This Pause is fueling creativity and learning. Sure, socializing with friends and colleagues is severely restricted, and many of us are getting tired of ZOOM, but we are learning to look on the bright side.
Members of AZPA are right in the groove on this.
I talked to four of our members about their response to the current state-of-affairs, and it was fascinating. Each is coping in his or her own way, but there are similarities in that lots of creativity is being unleashed. Perhaps this sort of pause allows us the luxury to re-imagine, explore and poke around in new directions.
Jody Forster, Cyd Peroni, Larry Golsh and Emily Matyas generously spent some time talking about what they’re up to and their response to the pandemic’s restrictions. None of them expressed extreme frustration – in fact the general observation was that while things are different, they’re not all that different. Many photographer/artists work individually rather than in groups, so the Pause has been a time to work unhindered by meetings, extraneous driving around and obligations. This is a time of opportunity.
We visited with Larry in this fourth installment, Emily in Part One, Cyd in Part Two, and Jody in Part Three. It was an inspiration to talk with these four photographers. I’m sure that every Alliance member has a story to tell. Hopefully this blog will help us get to know one another better. This is a chance to look toward the rest of our lives and take stock.
Lawrence Golsh
Larry Golsh has sheltered deep into the process of using Lightroom, Photoshop and iMovie to make a video. Two years ago, he spent a month in Peru photographing. Given logistical considerations, he left his large-format gear at home and took only a digital camera. He was able to take two flights over the Nazca lines and got about a dozen good photos, which he’s converted to black and white and is now editing.
“The Peru photographs have just been sitting there for two years, and now I have the time to do something with them.” Larry was in the process of putting together little slide shows from the photos and thought “Wow! Why not do a video?” Now he’s editing and sequencing, so transitions between photographs are smooth and the images are similar in tone.
He misses Art Intersection where he can make prints larger than 16″ x 20″. But he’s ordered a new Epson scanner so he can start scanning his 4×5 negatives and be ready to print when Art Intersection reopens.
Larry also misses being able to take workshops. He was signed up for a two-day Arizona Highways Photoshop for Photographers and it was canceled. “I’ve taken several of their workshops and found them valuable. I enjoy taking classes and workshops, learning new things.”
Actually, he has been super busy with photography during this time. “I’ve been making little 5″ x 7″ prints on larger sheets for use as references and to show people interested in my work. It’s really nice to be able to take the time to do some of these projects.”
Main Image Above: “Bilbao” – © 2020 Lawrence Golsh

Betty Drake
Contributing Writer
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