Feature Image:
Juror’s Award of Distinction
Mesquite Flats, Sand Dunes at Death Valley © Fred Ullrich
New for this year’s exhibition, we’re thrilled to announce that independent juror Gary Martelli has evaluated our 2023 Members’ Exhibition and chosen a number of Juror’s Recognition Awards and one Award of Distinction. Hear from Gary about his experience reviewing the show and his thoughts about the images he chose. (Click on Images in Gallery Above for a Larger View.)
It was an honor to be asked to jury the Arizona Photography Alliance Members Exhibition. I thoroughly enjoyed viewing the show. I was impressed with the overall quality and variety of the works on display, making it a difficult process to choose five works for special recognition, and one single work for an award of distinction. The awards are not meant to be a qualitative judgment, but rather my impression of seeing something in an artwork that gave me pause for a deeper investigation in the work. I spent three hours with the exhibition viewing many of the works multiple times. The awarded works represent a variety of photographic processes, styles and subjects.
Juror’s Achievement Awards
Bonaventure Cemetery
I recognized an unusual photographic technique and took interest in learning about the arumprint process. I like how this image has depth and shimmer and changes depending on the angle that one views it.
I recognized the ambiguity of this image and the emotive response it provoked. The image pulled me in time and time again trying to understand the story behind it.
We Didn’t Stop Then
I recognized the fact that this image is very contemporary as it is documenting a social issue taking place in the 21st century. I particularly like the vertical composition, signs, outstretched arms, and illuminated face.
I recognized an unusual technique of combining photography and gesso. I like that this image represents something natural in a very abstract way. I particularly like the depth and luminosity of this image.

© Dean Terasaki
Quantitative Analysis
I recognized an interesting cultural narrative represented in a photomontage. I like the depth of story and nuance of this piece created by combining a written document with imagery.
Juror’s Award of Distinction
Mesquite Flats, Sand Dunes at Death Valley
I have an appreciation for traditional large format silver gelatin prints. This image impressed me with its wide tonal range, depth and craftsmanship. I like its lighting, warmth and repetition of form between the branches and clouds.

Gary Martelli
Contributing Writer
Gary Martelli is the Phoenix Airport Museum Director at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. He has more than thirty years of experience in public art programming and has curated more than 100 themed exhibitions in all mediums. He has held positions at the Arizona Museum for Youth and the Tempe Art Center. He is a member of American Association for Airport Executives Arts in Airports Section, American Alliance of Museums and Museum Association of Arizona.
Gary’s love for art began at an early age when he had free run of a local art museum where his artist mother worked on weekends. He eventually moved from his hometown in central New York to the Valley of the Sun, where he attended Arizona State University receiving a BFA and ended up staying for the warm weather. Gary strongly believes that art and culture should be accessible to all, which is why he particularly enjoys art in public spaces, especially airports.